We invite you to submit papers to Chinese CHI 2020. This year we are excited to announce that Chinese CHI 2020 will be designed as a forum connecting the international HCI community to the booming Chinese computing industry. As usual, papers in all areas of human-computer interaction are welcome but this year we are particularly interested in HCI research related to the Chinese industry. Examples include but are not limited to understanding Chinese users or cultural differences, interaction techniques tailored to Chinese users, using AI in UI design, AR and VR applications in China, Voice-based UI, and conversational UI.
Papers must present original materials and will be reviewed by expert reviewers, based on their contribution to the field. All accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published through the ACM Digital Library. Appropriate topics include but are not limited to:
- User Experience and Usability
- Specific Application Areas
- Health, Accessibility and Aging
- Privacy, Security and Visualization
- Interaction Beyond the Individual
- Games and Play
- Design
- Interaction Techniques, Devices and Modalities
- Understanding People: Theory, Concepts, Methods
- Engineering Interactive Systems and Technologies
Important Dates
Submission Due: Jan 22,2020 PDT   Feb 3, 2020 PDT.
Paper Notification: Feb 21,2020 PDT   Feb 25, 2020 PDT.
Submission Guidelines
Papers must be anonymized and in PDF file format. Please use the ACM Master Article Templates for submissions:
● Download the Word/LaTeX Master Article templates
Papers must be at least 4 pages, but can be up to 10 pages. Paper length must be based on the weight of the contribution. A new idea presented in a compact format is more likely to be accepted than the same idea in a long format. Long papers need to include very strong contributions to warrant acceptance. Shorter, more focused papers are also highly encouraged.
All work – both papers and optional video illustrations – must be submitted electronically via the
Chinese CHI 2020 will also have a separate poster submission category. Formatting requirements for posters will be announced separately.
Papers have to be written in English. However, posters written in either Chinese and English are acceptable. See call for posters for details.
中文投稿說明:Chinese CHI 2020之長論文以及短論文類別僅接受以英文撰寫之投稿。Chinese CHI 2020另外亦徵求海報論文,接收中文或英文之投稿。海報論文的格式與投稿細節則另外公告。
Review Process.
Submissions will be reviewed in a double-blind process, and authors must ensure that their names and affiliations do not appear on the submitted papers. The author and affiliation sections of the ACM Master Article Templates must be left blank. In case of acceptance, authors will be asked to provide a camera-ready copy that includes this information, along with any recommended improvements as suggested by the reviewers.
Confidentiality of submissions will be maintained during the review process. All rejected submissions will be kept confidential in perpetuity. All submitted materials for accepted submissions will be kept confidential until the start of the conference.
File Size.
Please note that the maximum size of your submission should not exceed 5Mb. If your requirements exceed this limit, please contact the conference chairs to make alternative arrangements. It will be possible to submit large videos via a link to online content (e.g. YouTube, YouKo or Vimeo).
One author of each accepted submission must register for the conference before the early registration deadline in order for the final paper version to appear in the conference proceedings.
Paper Chairs
Junfeng Yao, Xiamen University
Huawei Tu, La Trobe University
Teng Han, Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences
We invite you to submit preliminary work and work-in-progress relevant to the area of Chinese HCI to our Poster session. These may include ground-breaking work that has not been fully implemented or empirically validated, early student research and other work that are better delivered in an interactive format. Poster presenters will present their work during the Poster Session assigned by the conference committee.
Important Dates
Submission Due: Feb 22,2020 PDT  Feb 27, 2020 PDT   Mar 2, 2020 PDT.
Poster Notification: Mar 9,2020 PDT  Mar 16, 2020 PDT   Mar 20, 2020 PDT.
Submission Guidelines
We eliminate the traditional extended abstract format (landscape) and use the same template as full papers. An important difference is that THERE ARE PAGE LIMITS for extended abstracts. Authors should submit an extended abstract of the poster, including texts and images, that is no more than four pages. They must be submitted in PDF file format.
Authors should also submit a letter page size poster draft to be reviewed together with the abstract.
All work – both abstract and poster – must be submitted electronically via the
Chinese CHI 2020 accepts poster submissions in Chinese or English. Chinese CHI 2020接收中文或英文之投稿。
Submission Templates.
Please use the ACM Master Article Templates:
● Download the Word/LaTeX Master Article templates
One author of each accepted submission must register for the conference before the early registration deadline and present the poster.Poster Co-Chairs
Yingying She, Xiamen University
Mingming Fan, Rochester Institute of Technology